Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cool Cucumber Salad

This post comes late, I know, as Fall is already well underway and here I am sorting through summer recipes! Well here it is anyway. Super simple, quick and easy- and tasty!

2 cucumbers, thinly sliced
for dressing:
2-3 T. sugar
1/4 c. rice vinegar
1 T. red wine vinegar
2 T. water
1 T. sesame oil
1/2 t. salt, or more to taste
2 T. chopped fresh dill
2 t. sesame seeds

1. Mix together all ingredients for the dressing except sesame seeds. Stir well so the sugar dissolves completely. Pour over cucumbers and stir well.

2. Refrigerate for at least an hour to allow the cucumbers to soak in the flavor, stirring a couple of times. Sprinkle on the sesame seeds and serve. Tastes even better over time as the cucs sit in the dressing.

I think that's it... Feel free to test it and let me know if it tastes good because I'm writing this recipe, trying to remember back to the summer days when i made it....

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